A Patient’s Love Song To His Wife
April 19, 2019
A love song from hospice patient Sam to his wife, Gloria

Sam Reese is a patient at Silverado Austin Hospice. Recently, he and his beloved wife, Gloria, celebrated their 45th anniversary, and Sam wanted to do something special. He collaborated with one of our social workers, Mark Catalano, to create an original song to gift to Gloria. Sam provided the core lines for the song, which Mark took and embellished. During the writing process, Mark asked Sam for words that best described his wife. Sam told him that she was always moving and compared her to an angel. He also informed Mark that his favorite memory was dancing with her at the top of the Sheraton hotel in downtown Austin. Mark was able to use these pieces of their story to produce the lyrics you hear in the song.
Mark is an accomplished social worker with years of extensive experience under his belt. He also has a strong passion for music, a passion he loves sharing with patients. He enjoys serenading those under Silverado’s care, which oftentimes leads to patients singing along or tapping their hands to the rhythm. It is thanks to Mark that Sam was able to gift his wife this song, a symbol of their love that will last forever. Moments and stories like this are a normal occurrence at Silverado hospice, as our social workers dedicate themselves to ensuring patients leave this earth at peace and content. Our social workers’ compassion and commitment to making a difference even at the end of life is unparalleled and truly inspiring. They work tirelessly to walk alongside the family and patient during this challenging time in their lives. And just as Mark did for Sam and Gloria, our social workers always go the extra mile to bring happiness in creative and unique ways.