Silverado Hospice LA Memory Pillow Program
July 23, 2020
Memory Pillows are special keepsakes offered to families of Silverado Hospice patients. Volunteers make pillows from articles of clothing such as dresses, sweaters, scarves, pants, ties, etc. provided by the family. Each pillow is a one-of-a-kind treasure and a loving memento that allows the family to keep a physical reminder of their treasured loved one close by.
The following picture is of a pair of pillows made by one of our volunteers. The patient picked out her favorite shirt and summer dress and asked that two pillows be made – the one on the left for her twin sister, the one on the right for her grandson.
The patient passed a few days after picking her favorite garments, but she did so knowing that she left a special token to those she loved dearly.

Losing a loved one is never easy, but having a memory pillow to look at and hold brings some families a little bit of comfort.
How Does it Work?
Clothing can be picked up from the patient’s home or a hospice team member can pick up clothing and deliver clothing to the Silverado office. Within 2-4 weeks the volunteers will complete the pillows and they can be picked up from our Encino office or delivered to the family member.
Here are a few examples of pillows we’ve created through the program: