HUG Corner: Thought for the Week 11/12/18
November 12, 2018
Healing After Loss (Martha Whitmore Hickman)
“If at times we are somewhat stunned by the tempest, never fear; let us take breath and go on afresh.”
-Francis De Sales
Grieving is such a roller-coaster ride. One day we think the worst is over, that we’re really beginning to pick up our lives again. The next day – or the next hour! – it’s as though it was all fresh and we have made no progress at all.
We need to remember that recovery from grief is not a smooth uphill path. There will be many setbacks, many side paths onto which we are led, before we can continue our journey out of the valley of sadness.
Better not waste our energy castigating ourselves that we’re not “doing better”. We’re doing as well as we can, and these “tempests” and setbacks are all part of the process. So let us expect them, accept them when they come, then take a deep breath and move on.
I will not be discouraged by the mood swings of grieving, but realize they are part of the road to health.