HUG Corner: Thought for the Week 5/28/18

May 28, 2018

Healing After Loss (Martha Whitmore Hickman)

Grief dares us to love once more.

– Terry Tempest Williams

It would be easy, wouldn’t it, to somehow close down the valves of loving so we couldn’t be hurt this much again?

No, it wouldn’t. It’s probable that for a while we will feel a kind of numbness, a recoil against the blow we have suffered. But without the love of friends and family, we’d never make it through this time of grieving. 

And love calls to love. We are summoned from our grief by love, and we will be healed by love.

But, we will not be healed if we don’t participate, if we don’t answer the love of others by our love for them.

Yes, it takes courage to risk loving again. It is the courage to be most fully human. It is the courage that affirms the love we shared with the one that we have lost.

When the times comes, I will be ready.
