HUG Corner: Thought for the Week 9/4/19
September 4, 2019
Healing After Loss (Martha Whitmore Hickman)
Bless Thou to be mine eye.
May mine eye bless all it sees;
I will bless my neighbor,
May my neighbor bless me.
-Celtic Prayer
How we are all bound together – all in need of one another’s blessing!
It might be helpful, as we wend our way through this day, if we made a conscious effort to offer a silent blessing on behalf of all the people we meet. It will surely do them no harm, and it will help us approach them with a maximum of understanding and good will.
And who knows – they may pick up from us the energy of our thoughts toward them and respond to us with unusual sensitivity and grace. (We can’t count on it, and if it doesn’t happen, it won’t invalidate our impulse on their behalf. At the least, the goodwill in the world will have gone up by a few tiny increments!)
*** I will bless my neighbor. May my neighbor bless me. ***