H.U.G Corner: Thought of the Week- 5/11

May 11, 2018

Quiet Mind: One-Minute Retreats from a Busy World

Life can be busy and hectic, which makes it easy to get tunnel vision and lose focus on the bigger picture. This week we’re sharing a favorite passage form author David Kundtz, who ruminates on what the term “rat race” really means in today’s world. We hope this passage helps provide some perspective on your own daily challenges! 

The metaphor of the rat race as a way to talk about nature of contemporary life is instructive. I wonder about its origin. And just what is a rat race? I picture a maze in some scientific laboratory with a dozen rodents scrambling in all directions, trying with great frustration to find their way to freedom. Is that a rat race? Did anyone tell the rats they were in a race? Is there really a winner in a rat race?

And that we should choose this metaphor as a way to talk about the way we live our lives is…what? Alarming? “Well, we’ve got to get going and join the rat race.” We do?

The metaphors we use not only reflect the way we live, but create the way we live. If we call life a rat race, it will tend to become one.

So let’s change metaphors. Here are a few suggestions:

  • Life is a cat prowl. I envision slow and careful steps, a calm awareness of what is going on in my neighborhood, and a pace that suits my needs.
  • Life is a dog walk. I move now with lively interest stopping and goings, encounters with other dogs, trees, people, always ready to respond to a friendly petting.
  • Life is a fox trot. Here is a bouncy-stepped way to dance through life. Find a partner! You can always sit the next one out.
  • Life is a monkey march. Life is a pony canter. Life is a whale breach. Life is a swallow soar. Life is a pig parade. Life is an elephant lope. Life is a bear excursion (the one I’d pick)

Spend a quiet time today and pick your metaphor for life’s journey.
