Testimonial: “You all were a godsend to my entire family and we cannot thank you all enough.”
February 13, 2018
“First, I would like to thank each and everyone of you for being in my mother’s life as well as mine and my family’s. Mauri, RN, Debbie, Social Worker, and of course Dr. Roosth. No words can explain my experience with the Silverado South Houston Hospice Team. This team is so compassionate and hands on. They explained to us what was going to take place from the beginning…Not once did I have an issue of no returned calls or a different RN each week. I explained I wanted consistency this is what we received. Mauri is a true angel sent to our family. Debbie, our Social Worker, helped my family in a very big way easing my family to slowly let go and to be prepared when my mother passed. Dr. Roosth addresses each and every issue. Made several home visits to check on my mother. You all were a godsend to my entire family and we cannot thank you all enough. My mother is resting in heaven very peacefully thanks to you wonderful individuals. Keep up the beautiful work. Health & happiness to all of you. Again, thank you.”
– A Silverado Family Member